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The Project Team

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – Leader - UPB / RO / Bucharest

Founded in 1948, UPB is the largest and most prestigious technical university in Romania, classified in the top 12 universities, as “University for advanced research and education” and the best national university, according to the international “University Ranking by Academic Performance”. 

UPB has over 25,000 students and currently provides courses for undergraduate, master, and PHD degrees, and was involved in various international research and educational programs: FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, NATO, Leonardo da Vinci, PHARE, Tempus, COST, EUREKA, Erasmus + KA1, KA2. 

UPB aims to modernize educational processes by maximizing the potential of ICT learning, strengthening the links between education and employers, bringing enterprises into the classes and giving students the opportunities to experience through work-based learning. UPB is concerned about the relevance of higher education to the labour market requirements, supports the mobility for teaching, training and learning of students and teaching staff to accomplish the partnerships with students in line with decisions making process. 

One of the main strategic directions of UPB encourages diversification of the way of learning, based on the adoption of the students-centred practices in teaching and learning by the modularization of programs through the use of ITC and new pedagogical methodologies to unlock the potential and to stimulate greater social inclusion and civic engagement.

The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie  -  AUF / RO / Bucharest

Is an international association comprising universities, grandes écoles, academic networks and scientific research centres that use the French language all over the world. With a network of 843 members in 108 countries, AUF is a key player in the field of French-speaking academic cooperation, being one of the world’s largest higher education and research associations. AUF is also the specialist higher education and research agency for the Francophonie. 

The mission of AUF is to support scientific excellence with a view to fostering societal development, by actively involvement in supporting quality teaching accessible to all, across the globe.

The AUF commits its mission on three main strands of activity:
- Coordinating French-speaking academic cooperation worldwide in order to foster academic cooperation.
- Supporting academic institutions, staff and students such as mobility funding, access to on-line degree courses, and support for research projects
- Engagement on the international scene by taking part in international projects alongside major organizations, making its expertise available

The regional office for Central and Eastern Europe operates from Bucharest since 1994. It coordinates a network of 109 universities and research centers in 20 countries. 

The regional office of Bucharest has five administrative branches in Chisinau, Sofia, Tirana, Yerevan and Tbilisi involved in proximity activities with students, researchers, academic staff and key actors of the socio-economic environment.

Avantera - AVA / RO / Bucharest

AVANTERA is a management consulting company ( with the  mission to provide to its customers adequate solutions for their dynamic and accelerated development, in a systematic, continuous and sustainable manner, and to support organizations to evolve towards business excellence, by using cutting edge instruments and management techniques.

Its values: Partnership, Innovation, Knowledge, Quality, Performance, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Success.

Its business:

Management consulting:

  • Strategy development,

  • Operations design and improvement (processes, structure, resources, infrastructure – especially IT),

  • Organizational culture


Simple BPM – developing and providing our customers a business process modelling and management tool. 

Its customers:

  • dozens of complex projects for customers both in the public and private sector, large and small, in various industries (telecom, banking, transportation, FMCG, IT, Oil&Gas, pharma, energy, public administration): performance analysis, improvement opportunities analysis, information systems design, over 6000 procedures developed, change management and training.

  • while the projects delivered have included strategy development and organizational culture development for a number of customers, a significant number of our projects have been focused on operations, operational excellence, operations (business process) re-engineering and instrumentation (especially IT systems requirements development).

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” - URAK / BG / Ruse 

Established in 1945, with 8 faculties, 130 laboratories and 26 other facilities, and over 190 PhD students, has successfully participated in over 200 international projects, such as TEMPUS, FP7, CROSS BORDER COOPERATION “Bulgaria-Romania”.

A great strength of the University of Ruse is the opportunity to have academics from different scientific fields who participated in variety of local, national and international activities, related to entrepreneurship, innovations, technology development for different business sectors, technology transfer, ecology, healthcare, social welfare, etc

URAK has a number of specialized centres, amongst them Studies Centre, Centre for Further Education (CFE); Distance Learning Centre (DLC), Research Sector (RS); University Career Center (UCC); Center for International Cooperation and Mobility (CICM); Entrepreneurship Center (EC).

It has a vast experience in design and implementing educational programs and courses for different stakeholders, in particular in sustainable business development, management of socio-economic systems, entrepreneurship and innovations, and since 2014 the University of Ruse participates very actively the HEInnovate concept of the European Commission.

Technical University of Košice - TUKE / SK / Košice

TUKE was established in 1952. The content of education and research at TUKE includes the entire complex of sciences and economics. The TUKE seeks to maintain a cohesive and interdependent relationship between their teaching, research and service activities with accordance to European state of Art. The TUKE has 9 faculties with 9 800  students  and  1400 staff. 
The TUKE has been the first university in Slovakia to meet the criteria of the international standard EN ISO 9001:2000 and it received the quality certificate in the area of providing educational and research processes and enterprise activities within a public university. 
The progress of the research and development at TUKE was substantially supported with the structural funds resources allocated from the EC. The infrastructure is relevant to the EU state of the art, and among other things the infrastructure includes University centre for innovation, intellectual property rights and technology transfer (UCITT) integrated with the University Science Park – TECHNICOM. 
The mission of the UCITT is to create a relevant virtual environment at the university that will permanently support R&D in terms of cooperation between scientists and practice. One of the UCITT's key components for accelerating entrepreneurship are the TUKE Startup Center and TUKE Incubator with specific mission to support the development of innovative entrepreneurship and provide start-ups with the infrastructures and services they need in order to grow. TUKE has a Computer Center of the international computer net INTERNET and a Center of the Slovak Academic Data Net SANET

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University - MCSU / PL / Lublin 

MCSU is a state institution of higher education established in Lublin, Poland. It offers academic programs at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels with over 50 fields of studies at 11 faculties. 
It has over 23,000 students and 1400 academic staff. It is a member of international academic bodies and takes part in many programmes of academic cooperation like e.g.: 7th Framework Programme / Horizon, Lifelong Learning Programme / Erasmus+, various Thematic Network Projects, Baltic University Programme. The internationalization strategy of the university is deployed by a suite of international cooperation projects in  e-learning and online trainings such as: HOME (Higher education Online: MOOCs the European), COMBLE (Community of Integrated Blended Learning in Europe), DigiSkills – project aims at developing digital skills of teachers in different educational level, SEVAQ+ (Self Evaluation of Quality in eLearning), eLene Consortium projects (Teacher Training – Teacher Learning Centre – Economics E-learning – Learn to Learn Competences – Learn for Work), STEP (Studies on Transitional Electronic Programs, Net-Trainers 2 - Net-Trainers, OEII (Open Educational Innovation and Incubation), CHLASTS (Chemical Laboratory Safety Training System). Since 2001, the Maria Curie Sklodowska University has the University Centre for Distance Learning (UCDL). 
At MCSU it realizes internal projects: University Virtual Campus. In frame of this project UCDL:
-    make HE teachers and student aware of possibility of using IT technology in education
-    developed the system of trainings and workshops for HE teachers to teach them or improve their knowledge and ability of using distance learning platform
-    prepared and administrates distance learning platform of Virtual Campus.

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